
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Creative Movement Class & Biopsy Update

Mykelle and Evan started Creative Movement class yesterday (we call it "Dance").  Mykee did it last spring and loved it but Evan was too young.  I'm really excited they get to do it together this time around!  Evan really just seemed to enjoy moving to music, though he didn't really follow the directions that well.  Mykee was jumping all over the place and would start hopping anytime the music came on- I think Miss Amanda was getting a little frustrated with her :)  Sadly though, both kids seem to have inherited my total lack of dance skill...

I took two videos, the second one is more of the same but longer- so feel free to pass it up!

Evan, John, Kate, and Mykelle watching a show

Look at this cute Joy School group!
We were acting out the story of the cap peddler and the monkeys- the kids were the monkeys in the tree!

The flowers above were sent to me by none other than DR. LAURA!!!  I love her :)  I called her show to ask her advice with dealing with the everyday crappy feeling that comes from knowing the cancer came back and she gave me some good advice- make a plan to deal with the cancer and play music on my ipod.  Then she sent me flowers, how sweet huh?  Mykee said they smelled like oranges and Evan thought they smelled like bananas.  Wonder if that had anything to do with the color of the flowers??

I had the biopsy on Friday.  It went well enough, aside from being postponed almost two hours (I had a good book, and my kids were in good hands, so I was content enough).  The doc biopsied the node in my armpit- a tiny one about 1 1/2 centimeters.  I'm assuming it went well, though the doc never came and talked to me when it was over!  My recovery in the hospital was a lot easier than last time, though I'm still sore and feel like I shouldn't move my arm too much.  Now I'm basically just waiting until my appointment on Friday to hopefully have more of my questions answered!  I remember waiting after my biopsy last year, and how horrible that was- the doc didn't even know what kind of cancer it was at the first appointment and I was forced to wait longer.  That was awful!  This is much easier, compared to that.

I'll write again on Friday with another update!


  1. You are in my heart and in my prayers! I followed your story before and my heart sank as i read your post about the cancer coming back. You amazed me with your smile and positive attitude during your whole trial last year! Keep having hope! I know the Lord is very aware of you His daughter, and He will carry you and your dear family through this again. I really am praying for you, I don't know you, but I feel like I have gotten to know you a little. You are such a great momma! Thank you for your great example of such faith and endurance!

  2. I'm praying that you will know what you should put in your plan. That is very sweet of Dr. Laura. Yoga has really helped me. Sometimes the anxiety of it all takes over and well, I thought yoga was dorky until I tried it and it made a huge difference. Take care sweetie!
