
Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Gift of a Disney Cruise!

The other day we made Disney Mickey/Minnie Mouse pancakes for the kids!  We had some delicious blueberries that needed to be eaten so we threw them in some pancakes with a bit of whipped cream on top.  Mykelle and Evan love blueberries, and they love Disney, so it was a great combination!  Aside from Evan crying when his "smile" melted from the hot pancakes :)

Both Adam and I and the kids have been ecstatic planning for a DISNEY CRUISE that Papa Skip is taking us on in April!!  We are fortunate to have a Father-In-Law/Papa/Dad who has been wanting to take us on a family trip for years!  Skip first mentioned the possibility a couple years ago, but his ongoing health issues, my recent ones, and the correct timing just never seemed to work out.  Then we caught a break... Skip's health tests came back great and my doc said if we could schedule a trip around my chemo then to do it before the possible transplant!!  So we're going!  Thank you Skip!!!  We can't wait!!  Mykelle is especially excited to meet the "REAL" Disney Princesses on her 5th birthday in April :)

Mykelle felt like Rapunzel with the gold ribbon in her hair!

Evan with his "handsome prince" smile on and favorite snowman jammies.  


  1. This trip working out was, I think, at least partially the answer to a child's prayers. Mykelle seemed to know months ago that when she turned 5 everything would be wonderful so that we would all be able to go on a Disney Cruise and she could meet the "real Rapunzel". What faith she had that this would be the case.
    I can't wait!

  2. I'm so excited for you guys! You deserve this so much and it makes me so happy it is working out for you to go! Yay!!! Have so much fun!!!
