
Sunday, April 17, 2011

A New Blog

I never have and never will consider myself a "blogger."  I blog because I want to keep in touch with family and friends and because I want to keep a record of what's happening in my cute family's life.  This is my new journal/photo book.  (I have also never been a scrapbooker, though I once tried...)

I wish I could write more in depth about the Winger history, but 6+ years is a little more than I have time for tonight!  Guess I'll just have to start with this past week :) 

I have been wanting to write about my funny son Evan for awhile.  The other day he was sitting on the couch while I walked around the house picking up.  He kept saying in his high-pitched 2 1/2 year old voice, "Mommy!  Poops!"  I assumed he had a messy diaper and wanted me to change it.  I thought it could wait a few minutes right?  Then his exclamations turned more into yells and I turned to him to change him and he was holding his hand out to me screaming, "POOPS!"  Sure enough, he had reached into the side of his diaper and grabbed a handful of poop and was yelling for help!  Of course my first reaction was anger that he'd grabbed poop, but then I had to laugh.  What kind of mother was I to ignore him??  So I got the camera and took the following picture before we got him cleaned up.

It could have been MUCH worse!
The same day Mykelle woke up with a really red forehead.  I thought maybe she had slept on it funny, or was really hot, but when I looked closer...

I could see that it was pink dye... from her princess crown she had made and worn to bed the night before! 

All day she had people looking at her funny- she looked like she'd been slapped really hard on the forehead! 

The last thing I just had to blog about before it went out of my mind was Evan and his prayer at dinner tonight.  He wanted to pray and politely raised his hand to do so (he's two, so being polite is RARE!).  He started with, "Dankful for dis day... Mommy please help me!"  So I prompted him to please bless Daddy and Evan took it from there:  "And bless Mommy, and Papa, and Gamma Roskeys... and my friends, and Johnny, and basketball, and kick the basketball, and play basketball... AMEN!"  

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