
Monday, April 18, 2011

People Be Mad!

One of Evan's favorite phrases, "people be mad!" (said forcefully) or, "people be mad?" with a really high-pitched ending.   I LOVE his little 2 year old speaking abilities!  He doesn't quite include all of the words needed to complete a sentence but one can always tell if he's asking a question.  It gets super high-pitched at the end and is so cute!

As for when he says this phrase, it is usually after doing something I've just scolded him for.  Example:  Evan stomps on the wood floors.  I say, "Evan, please don't stomp!" He responds with, "people be mad!" referring to the neighbors downstairs.

When using the phrase as a question it usually goes something like this (as it did today):  Me, "Be careful Evan, you're spilling your Mac 'n Cheese on the table!"  He asks, "People be mad?"  I say, "No!  I be mad!"  Evan laughs.

It's really quite cute, and very hard to actually be mad at him when he says it!  It's funny when he does though, it's like he's really interested to know why he shouldn't do something (like spill, kick signs, throw rocks at cars, etc. etc.).

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